Are you a fresh Graduate?

Job Search Made Easy

We are working with the International Alumni Job Network (IAJN) and Cturtle to quickly help you land your dream job. 

We understand that 83% of fresh graduates leave campus without a job. On average, graduates take eight months to land a job. With 119,000 recent Malaysian graduates in 2021, we want to assist in getting the best available options for you.

Looking to Network with Us?

Listen to our Podcast

Are you ready to contribute back?

Mentoring Opportunities

Becoming an alumni mentor lets you connect with current students and fellow alumni. Inspire others to learn, grow, and take initiative through our various programs.

Share your knowledge, skills, experience, and industry connections to help others advance their careers and professional development. By being an alumni mentor you will learn from your mentee, give back to the community, be exposed to exciting ideas and opportunities, and enjoy the satisfaction of helping others.